Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Achtung ! Achtung ! The Jig Is Up

The charade the Catholic Church has been perpetrating on fools for centuries is up. It really is amazing that it has been able to go on for so long without the code of silence being broken. There have been members of the Church who have tried to break through for sure. But we live in a time where temptation to speak out or reveal information is too easy. 
 (Ironic I know)

Now it is over, I suppose it was a good run. The pathetic coward fools that continue to push the narrative that nothing is rotten in Denmark will have their reward. As we all will….compost.

Parish Priest "Slams" Parishioner from Pulpit

Fr.Daniel Geddes FSSP, Assistant Superior General. Click on link below to hear full sermon.