Fr.Daniel Geddes FSSP, Assistant Superior General.

Click on link below to hear full sermon.
Father Geddes gave a sermon on Dec. 01, 2019 (twice) (9am , 12pm) attacking a parishioner, the author of this blog. Fr.Geddes "SLAMS" this author. The sermon is an attack on this writers character and was meant to embarrass and further destroy the reputation of this writer as he threatened he would do.
The time stamps are from the sermon:
7:27 - refers to blog posting as rumour ( original post was a question not a statement )
8:25 - alludes to blog posting causing distress to FSSP parishioners in Little Rock Arkansas
9:00 - "I investigated it" ( breaks policy )
9:55 - Then brought to the attention of Archdiocese of Vancouver, Fr.Fromageot "leaves" Vancouver before Archbishop Miller even knows... ?
10:38 - Warned author of blog Momentum Veritatis to take posting down
10:54 - Accuses author of refusing to take down blog post (FALSE)
11:04 - Claims he informed author of blog why Fr.Fromageot was removed (FALSE only after 3rd telephone message was the "safe environment policy" mentioned)
11:08 - Accuses blog author of spreading "slander"
13:18 - "He's hiding something from us"
13:45 - Refers to this blog author as (a) "FALSE CHRIST & FALSE PROPHET"
13:55 - "I'm sorry some of you were deceived by a lie" "...websites are making Father out to be a great hero and martyr" ( Which websites? I couldn't find any)
In the end Fr.Geddes claims that the author of this blog has "defamed Holy Family, FSSP, Archdiocese of Vancouver and the Diocese of Little Rock Arkansas"
What Fr.Geddes said about me was calumny, then Fr.Geddes turned around and said Mass.