Can you believe that headline? This is what the news report is coming out of Rome from our Archbishop of Vancouver, Archbishop Miller. As first reported by Fr. Nick Meisl who is in Rome studying.
I'm speechless.....literally.
Read this sounds like the Bishops actually asked questions and Francis just blabbered away saying..."let someone else answer that... let me talk about myself and my life in South America"
The Archbishop apparently said this bizarro statement:
For Archbishop Miller, the most important challenge is that of “moving toward a focus on fundamental evangelization. Not of teaching. We need fundamental evangelization before catechesis. We have always gone straight to teaching, but one cannot face the challenges of a secular culture, or rather a post-Christian culture, if people are not at least evangelized.”
Here are the things Pope Francis discussed with the Canadian Bishops
Interview with Andrea Gagliarducci, ACI Stampa. Italian original here.
Growing secularism. A lack of vocations. Evangelization of indigenous people. The legalization of euthanasia, which is a critical topic. These are some of the subjects which Pope Francis discussed with the Western Canadian Bishops on their ad limina visit. The Pope offered them, among other things, a personal reflection on the crucifixion of Peter. So explains Archbishop J. Michael Miller, a Basilian formerly in the Secretary of State and the Congregation for Catholic Education, who now guides the Archdiocese of Vancouver, to the ACI Stampa.
Archbishop Miller explained that, “Pope Francis welcomed us at the door, one by one. The chairs were arranged in an oval, and while we were taking our places, he continued greeting us. Then, he sat on a chair in the center. After the situation of our region was explained to him, the Pope began to speak. The encounter lasted two and a half hours.”
All the Bishops spoke in English, and the Pope in Italian, with the help of an interpreter. “The problems that we described” says Miller “are a small part of all those we live with in Canada and in Western countries. The decline of vocations, in particular of religious vocations. Also the situation of the indigenous people, who live in the territories of the North West, who are often very poor.”
“Certainly, the situation in Western Canada is different from that which is seen in Quebec, where the growing secularization has assumed aggressive contours from the quiet revolution. There” explains Archbishop Miller, “the Church had a position of power, that has since been eroded and attacked. In our area, the Church never had such power. The majority were Anglican, protestants. In the last census, however, 40% declared that they do not belong to any religious confession. Catholics were 16%, making them the largest Christian denomination.”
“The faith of Canada, therefore, is one preserved by immigrants, in particular those from Korea and China. But, in the end,” says the Archbishop of Vancouver, “all Canadians are immigrants and so we cannot talk of immigrants but new Canadians.”
What did the Pope speak about in two and a half hours? “He spoke of many things. He spoke about Peter, about the fact that he was crucified head first so that God could wash his feet.
Also,” continues Archbishop Miller, “at different times he returned to his experiences in Buenos Aires, in particular, he highlighted the difference of cultures. He spoke of the Virgin of Guadalupe, of religious practices and of popular piety. In some cases he offered his reflections, in other cases his personal experiences. He emphasized repeatedly that the Bishops must be close to the people. He spoke often of affinity. He also discussed synodality, a word which he prefers to collegiality. He asked us to have courage, to take risks. With respect to the indigenous people, he spoke of the situation in Latin American, and of his reflections on the Jesuit missions. He asked the priests to pray and to preach.”
All had the opportunity to speak.
Rather than focus on questions specifically, responding or trying to give an answer immediately to the problems that were brought forward to him, Pope Francis wanted to keep the discussion on a pastoral level, leaving the task of dealing with specifics to the specialized bodies of the Holy See.
An example of this is the issue of euthanasia, which will certainly be treated in a deeper way with the Secretariat of State. The Archdiocese of Vancouver is very concerned with this issue, and - with the Archdiocese of Toronto - decided to join the “Healthcare Coalition”, which is the coalition that is striving to ensure the right of conscientious objection. This is because the new law threatens to undermine this fundamental right.
Here is some background. In 2015 the Supreme Court struck down the federal crime against euthanasia, and in 2016 the federal Parliament created legislation to produce the changes that were made necessary by the Supreme Court judgement. Now, the provinces are called upon to implement the reform of the medical system, given that in Canada the Criminal Code is under the jurisdiction of the federal government, while healthcare is under the jurisdiction of the provinces and territories.
What then must the Church do? Archbishop Miller explains that “it is necessary to have a united , clear front, against euthanasia. We know that the battle against the legalization of euthanasia has been lost, and now we can work together to ensure that there is protection for the conscience rights of health care workers, Catholic institutions and other faith-based institutions. For example, a Catholic institution should not be forced to provide abortion, which in Canada is permitted almost without restriction. We need to ensure that Catholic institutions are not obliged to provide those things which come to be called ‘health services’”.
The Archbishop explained further that in the province in which Vancouver finds itself, British Columbia, the administration has guaranteed that it will not obligate Catholic institutions “to take part in euthanasia”, but “it is still not clear what the position of the opposition will be on this point,” even though it is clear that they want more control. In the end, however, Archbishop Miler is optimistic, believing that at least the battle for the right of conscientious objection will be won, because “there are also people on the left who defend freedom of conscience. They do this for other reasons, but they defend it.”
For Archbishop Miller, the most important challenge is that of “moving toward a focus on fundamental evangelization. Not of teaching. We need fundamental evangelization before catechesis. We have always gone straight to teaching, but one cannot face the challenges of a secular culture, or rather a post-Christian culture, if people are not at least evangelized.”
Original Italian Text.
Translation doc.